Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Does Your Home Bring Happiness For You? Numerological Calculation (Part-1)

Do you have any idea that your home address can put an impact on your happiness? Find what iZofy thinks about it here in this blog:

Numerology Calculators

Your address settles the fine tone for your whole living place since numbers are vibrations. You want to ensure that the number of your apartment or home is compatible with you and people living there and also create a vitality which is favorable for your lifestyle.

Though your building address, zip code and street address surely have an effect, the most effective number for your happiness is your apartment or home number, since this is what the most private thing to you is. A numerology calculator can help you calculate the numerology for your apartment or home. Just read on below:

Initially, write down your home or apartment’s total number. Then, find the sum by adding all numbers together. Finally, lessen the sum to a single digit.

For example, suppose you live in a home which is at 3608 BCT Sonar Sansar. The number of your house is 3608. Then you add: 3 + 6 + 0 + 8 = 17. Finally, lessen 17 to a single digit, i.e. 1 + 7 = 8. Thus, you live in an 8 house of BCT Sonar Sansar.

Though the street number or name or you house has an impact, you don’t require adding your street number or name for finding the number of your house. You are searching for what is private to you. Thus, if you live on 324 Aura, you would utilize 324 for finding the numerology for your home: 3 + 2 + 4 = 9. Therefore, 324 Aura is a 9 house.

When you are living in a particular apartment, your most effective number is the number of your apartment, not the number of your building. Suppose that you live in 3608 BCT Sonar Sansar, Apt #21. In this matter, the numerology number of your apartment is 21.

Thus, the sum of your numbers is: 2 + 1 = 3. So, you live in a 3 apartment. Alongside the numbers, the letters also have numeric value. If you live in 21C apartment, you would take letter C’s numeric value and then add that to the number of the apartment.

Add the sum of 2+1 = 3, for the apartment 21C, and 3 is the numeric value of the letter C.  Thus, sum of 3+3 = 6. So, 21C apartment is a 6 apartment number.

A, J, S = 1
B, K, T = 2
C, L, T = 3
D, M, V = 4
F, O, X = 6
G, P, Y = 7
H, Q, Z = 8
I, R = 9

(To be continued...)

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